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“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.” Louisa May Alcott

Lately I feel like there’s a figurative storm looming above me, and I should feel threatened by these gray clouds and mumbled thunder in the distance.

Guess what? Not scared.

There’s no point in fearing for the future if you know you’re prepared–or at least preparing–for the impending storm. I’m confident in my abilities and strengths. And I’m aware of my weaknesses, and I appreciate those people who genuinely want to see me succeed. I’m not too concerned by the downers who want to step in my way.

If you’re questioning your future or your ability to achieve your goals, remind yourself of the steps you’ve taken to get where you are, and continue taking the steps to master your area of expertise.

I referenced the Desiderata in my earliest blog post. There’s another part of this poem/prayer that fits with today’s topic:

“Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.”

Stick to your goals, know that you’re qualified and only enhancing the quality of your craft. No one can take away your talent or your dreams.

You didn’t get as far as you are by floating on luck alone.



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